
God Speaks to Me

May 10, 2008

Our minister recently posed an interesting question in her sermon.  How has God spoken to you?   After telling the story of how she came to be part of our ministry, she even went so far as to encourage members to write to or tell her about their experiences in which they felt God had spoken to them.

 Now, there are two things that popped into my mind right away.  First of all, if I was ever to start hearing “the voice” I would never admit it for fear of the big men in white coats packing big butterfly nets looking for me.  Second of all, if anyone starts getting up to “testify” and it even looks like it is going to turn into a bible thumping repent-fest, I’m going to turn around and start waddling out of that church as fast as my five-kid butt and thunder thighs will take me.

 And then I got “the e-mail”.  (Yeah, blew me away too.  Who knew God could be so technological?)

 All funning aside, I received an e-mail this week that caused me to, once again, stop and realize just how far all my blessings extend.  Someone who hardly knows me, mostly knows of me, took the time to drop me an e-mail and say she hadn’t “seen” me on the net recently and was concerned that things had gotten difficult with Superbabe.  She just wanted me to know that she was thinking of us and hoping for the best.  It sat me back, and I realized that there are blessings far beyond what I see in my normal everyday life.

 Originally, I thought I would post this about how great the net and blogging is for connections and friends, people we would otherwise never meet.  Sound familiar?  Yes, done to death I know, but I was going to do it anyhow.  Then this morning I started thinking about it differently.

 It’s strange, you know, that whenever I most need that little pick me up, that little nudge or help, there it is.  Things have been difficult with Superbabe lately.  At the time our minister was delivering her sermon, I was actually in outpatients for the fourth time in three weeks with him.  He’s been very sick, having trouble breathing, losing weight and despite all my exhausting efforts, will likely end up with a feeding tube once more.  I have one more trick to try and then I will have no choice but to give in.   That message in my e-mail showed up on a day when I was feeling particularly down.  As well, life, you know, does not exist just for Superbabe.  There are many other things going on in this house which all compound his situation, and depending on the day, sometimes it is just too much.  To receive word from someone who hardly knows me that they are thinking of us and wishing us well, touched me in a way that can only be described as spiritual.  Weight was lifted and replaced with comfort.  What else could you call it?

 So in answer to my minister’s question, no I don’t hear voices.  I have however, been touched by angels and lifted up and carried various times in my life.  I have had situations turn out completely different to what I would have expected, some better and some worse, and had life changed inexplicably overnight.  I believe that my life is led by God and that gives me great comfort whenever I feel scared or lonely.  I now find myself in situations where I am being called upon to give the comfort or counsel, and with God’s helping hand and angels around me, I hope to make a difference in both small and large ways.

 Now tell me, has God spoken to you recently?


  1. Hey Sweetie,
    You’d probably be stunned by all the many people who think of you daily and super babe, especially. You’re all in my prayers every day and always will be. I agree, God speaks to us in many ways – through beautiful sunsets and difficult situations, baby’s laughing and unexpected emails. Despite all the advances in medicine and healing, I believe that there is no stronger medicine anywhere, than that which comes from the human heart.

    Big Hug,
    I agree Annie, and I probably don’t know just how many people there really are thinking of us. Then again, perhaps I do have some idea. There are many angels surrounding us with their love and I don’t need to know how many there are ~ I can feel the strength they lend me and the love pouring from them to this entire family. Sometimes, however, I need to be reminded that they are there for me to call upon, and that is when those unexpected little things come upon me.

    You know, since the beginning of this journey, I have been through many emotions, but pity has never been one of them. It is all my “angels” (aka friends) in real life and cyber life that hold me up and help me through.

    I’m so glad you visited me today.


  2. This post is just a re-affirmation of something I’ve known all along.
    My sister gave me a book for my birthday that talks about ‘coincidence’ in our lives.
    I wrote a post called “When God Winks” named after the book title.
    If you get a chance, get the book.
    You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.
    Thanks so much for the visit and the link.
    be safe, be well

    Yes, ‘coincidence’ is right. What a great title that is, “When God Winks”. I’ll definitely look for that one. Thanks ~m.

    I truly love the new site, I wouldn’t dream of not having you in my links. What a void that would be.

    Take care,

  3. I remember asking myself as a child how God can take care of all of us. As I grew up, I realised how he does it, he gives one hug (or ‘wink’ as some might call it) and that one travels from one person to the next.

    Thanks for sharing Jen.

    And Michael: thanks for the reminder, I knew there was something I wanted to get with by Chapters BD gift card.

    Yes, each and everyone of us is capable of “angel duty” and you seem to sign up often. 🙂 Lucky, lucky us.

    Hope you are doing well.


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